Small Apps(Önder's Hobby Application Demos@GitHub)


Notice: I am a Software Engineer. All projects here are non mobile friendly, non cross browser compatible, made@night and half arsed implementations. Don't judge me with them

Notice2: Decided to keep dates in list. So, I can check how and "when" I wasted my time.

Ye can access the source codes here

Ye can also reach me by using Tweet to @_onderaltintas_ or follow me @twitter with using Follow @_onderaltintas_

Latest earthquakes on Turkey, written by DeepSeek(prompt: now, do this with cesium ehehe)(24.02.2025)
Latest earthquakes on Turkey, written by DeepSeek(10.02.2025)
GeoWebCache Required Disk Size Estimator.(08.08.2024)(needs bugfixes =) )
For mobile user experience tests, quickstart pages for map frameworks.(04.04.2023)
webGL World Sphere example (08.11.2022)
Üniversite'de okumadan yazılımcı olmak üzerine bir instagram şeyi (11.10.2022)
Turkish BES system calculator(For Turkish citizens) (26.03.2022)
i8 smooth spinner (smooth animation work in progress)
COVID-19 3d Visualization Challenge (17.04.2020)
Arz (Earth - Gaia) (New! 22.05.2019)
Approve Everything Whatsapp Stickers(Google Play)(07.04.2020)
Song lyrics creator with Kareoke features(Serdar Ortach styla)(13.05.2019)
Shallowest Gift Exchange Generator(18.02.2019)
Guess the words game (11.02.2019)
Parallax Game(css-coordinates)
Chibi RPG(Canvas-Early)
Wood Chuck Conversation(speech synth)
Favicon Changer
Visual Notifier
Colorization (with inverse distance weighting)
OpenLayers Example (3+)

Notice2: You can listen my own advertisement by clicking "Play Advertisement" button which is dubbed by proffesional voice actor Ertuğrul Ulutaş. I am so happy that he did not reject my request. It is in turkish language.

This page's css's were obtained from codepen:

by Brenden Palmer

Text color @notice place was obtained with finding safe color fitting for background with using

. Copy to clipboard functionality doesn't work by the way.

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